Trucks on Triangles

Road and Highway Emergency Numbers

Road and Highway Emergency Numbers


America's Traveler Information Telephone Number

Dial 511 for current road conditions & construction/closure information, weather and traffic updates.

Not all of the United States states currently have working 511 systems statewide or in some cities/areas. Almost all states have received funding to set up 511 systems. 511 is a simple, easy-to-remember telephone number that connects citizens with information from the Department of Transportation. Call 511 the next time you need to find out about traffic, road construction, or issues with mass transit. You may need to consult your phone provider to see if it is available.

Visit the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (NHWA) "511" webpage for a state-by-state map/listing of 511 systems. View 511 Service Locations.

View State-by-State index of Highway Safety Laws from the Governors Highway Safety Association. 

NOTE: Using Cell Phones while driving falls under "Distracted Driving" and can result in a citation or put yourself or others in danger while operating a vehicle in motion. Please refer to the State-by-State Cell Phone Driving Laws

Read more information about The Potential Costs of Distracted Driving

View Road and Highway Emergency Numbers List

StateContact Information
Alabama  Cellphone-only *HP (star 47)
Alaska  911
Arizona  911
Arkansas  911 or Cellphone-only *55 (star 55)
California  911
Colorado  911 or Cellphone-only *CSP (star 277) or *DUI (star 384) —to report DUIs
Connecticut  911 or (800-443-6817)
Delaware  911
Florida  911 or 800-459-6861 or Cellphone-only *FHP (star 347)
Georgia  911 or Cellphone-only *GSP (star 477)
Hawaii  911
Idaho  911 or 800-233-1212 or Cellphone-only *ISP (star 477)
Illinois  911 or Cellphone-only *999 (star 999)
Indiana  911
Iowa  911 or 800-555-HELP (800-555-4357)
Kansas  911 (Statewide) or Cellphone-only *HP (star 47 for Salina, KS; *KTA (*482) —Kansas Turnpike and for Wichita, KS
Kentucky  911 or 800-222-5555
Louisiana  911 or Cellphone-only *LHP (star 547); Lake Ponchartrain Causeway *27 (star 27 —cellphone-only) or 504-893-6250
Maine  911 or Cellphone-only *SP (star 77)
Maryland  911 or Cellphone-only #SP (pound 77)
Massachusetts  911
Michigan  911
Minnesota  911
Mississippi  Cellphone only *HP (star 47)
Missouri  Cellphone-only *55 (star 55) or 800-525-5555
Montana  911 (emergency only) or 800-525-5555 (non-emergency)
Nebraska  911 or 800-525-5555 or Cellphone-only *55 (star 55)
Nevada  911 or Cellphone-only *NHP (star 647)
New Hampshire  911 or 800-622-2394 or Cellphone-only *SP (star 77)
New Jersey  911 or Cellphone-only #77 (pound 77 —to report aggressive driving)
New Mexico  911 or 505-827-9301
New York  911
North Carolina  Cellphone only *HP (star 47) or 800-662-7956
North Dakota  911
Ohio  911 or 800-525-5555 (OHP) or 800-877-7PATROL (Ohio only, to report non-emergency safety concerns) or 800-GRAB-DUI (to report erratic driving)
Oklahoma  Cellphone-only *55 (star 55)
Oregon  911
Pennsylvania  911 or Cellphone-only *11 (star 11) —on turnpikes
Rhode Island  911 or 401-444-1069
South Carolina  Cellphone only *HP (star 47)
South Dakota  911
Tennessee  Cellphone-only *THP (star 847) or 615-741-2060
Texas  911 or 800-525-5555 or Cellphone-only *DPS (star 377)
Utah  911 or Cellphone-only *11 (star 11)
Vermont  911 or DWI Hotline 800-GETADWI and *DWI (star 394 —cellphone-only)
Virginia  911 or Cellphone-only #SP (pound 77)
U.S. Virgin Islands  911
Washington  911
West Virginia  Cellphone-only *SP (star 77)
Wisconsin  911
Wyoming  Cellphone only #HELP (pound 4357) or 800-442-9090

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